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🚚 1-3 day delivery 📦Free shipping over NOK 399

Shipping Policy

You will receive a confirmation email once the order has been approved and verified. We have put a lot of focus on ensuring that the goods are delivered to our customers as quickly as possible.

You will be sent a confirmation email when the order has been approved and verified. We will start preparing your order immediately after it is verified.

It usually takes 1-3 working days for us to process your order. Please note that this does not include public holidays and weekends.

After the goods have been processed and left the warehouse, it usually takes 2-3 working days to process your order in Denmark and 2-14 working days for shipping within the EU and 7-35 days for shipping outside the EU.

*Delivery time is an estimate and is calculated from the date of dispatch and not from the date of order and may take longer than expected due to invalid address, customs procedures or other reasons. Contact us for information on delivery time.

* Please submit a ticket within 2 months after shipment, if the package does not arrive in time, our representative will get back to you within 24 hours. Please note that overdue requests may not be accepted.

If you have any questions about our shipping policy, please contact us using our "contact" form below.